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Player Welfare
Sutton & Epsom RFC take the welfare of all players, coaches and support staff seriously. We want a healthy and happy environment for all to strive and enjoy our sport. Our coaches ensure players are properly prepared for the demands of playing rugby and we support referees adhering to the playing laws and the protection of our players.
We follow the recommendations and directions from the RFU and World Rugby:
Via these web resources you can find many links on health and well-being topics such as mental and physical health, concussion, and nutrition etc. The RFU RugbySafe Essential Guides provide information on player welfare and safety related topics and frequently asked questions.
If players/parents wish to learn more about concussion two excellent resources are the Concussion Animation Video and Headcase Concussion Awareness Training for Parents & Guardians of Age Grade Players (open source – no GMS registration required)
We have an excellent welfare team led by the brilliant Cherry O’Sullivan, who run an on-site clinic at Rugby Lane during most training nights. Playing members can book an appointment by using the following link Book with SERFC Medical Team
Emails can be sent to suttonrugbymedical@gmail.com but please note this is not a 24-hour service and you will receive a reply once one of our team has reviewed your request
Sutton and Epsom currently provide First Aid courses for Coaches, Team Managers and First Aiders at the Club, you have to be a club member but these can be booked via your team managers. All teams require a minimum number of up to date First Aiders present at all rugby training and matches.
Senior players sometimes want to talk to someone, and both Eric Duey and Ellie Grove have offered to be players liaisons who are available to chat and not judge. They are both great listeners and will try to help, so please don’t hesitate to approach them.
It is estimated that one in four people will experience a mental health illness each year in the UK, but the links between good physical health and mental health are well recognised. We are a club that aims to look after each other, both on and off the pitch.
Mind is always available 0300 102 1234
Please Note: Any advice provided by the RFU or anyone at Sutton and Epsom RFC in relation to specific injuries, illnesses or disabilities is only general advice and it should not be used as a substitute for the individual advice patients receive when they consult their own doctor. Individuals are advised to consult their own General Practitioner or Hospital Consultant for specific advice on their condition and/or fitness to train for or play rugby.
If you are unwell or have any health concerns, please contact the appropriate health services via the NHS
RESOURCES for our Team Managers, Coaching Staff and First Aiders to access useful documents in relation to First Aid and Concussion.
Accident/Incident Reporting
The RFU accident/incident report form is attached. This must be completed and returned to our medical team at suttonrugbymedical@gmail.com, or mark “Confidential – Medical Team” and left as a completed written form at the clubhouse. You should always keep a blank copy of the form within the first aid kits.
RFU reportable Injury Form if a player is admitted to hospital, this form must be completed in addition
Attached is a simple guide to aid club managers, coaches and first aiders to show how concussion is managed at Sutton and Epsom RFC, adhering to the RFU concussion guidelines.
A simple concussion report form is attached. This must be completed and returned as per the instructions on the form for any suspected concussion.
Where advise needs to be given to players / parents the RFU Pitch side Advice Card should be used – this can be viewed and downloaded here (Physical cards can be ordered and kept in first aid kits)
The RFU have a number of excellent resources and support materials that can be viewed here – HEADCASE
All Sutton and Epsom RFC Team Managers, Coaches and First Aiders must complete each season the Headcase Concussion Awareness Training course on GMS (please ensure you login to GMS first so your records are updated).
First Aid Kits
Attached is the contents list for First Aid Kits at SERFC.
For re-stocking of first aid kits please email Steve Furnell (rugbymedic@icloud.com) listing your age group/team and the item & quantity you require. Steve will arrange a suitable time and location for you to collect these. In emergencies you may be able to replenish certain equipment by speaking to a member of the medical team in the sports therapy hut.
A number of useful crib sheets to aid first aiders are kept in the first aid kits (as per checklist). Ideally these should be printed on A5 card and laminated to be kept in first aid kits.
Pocket Concussion Recognition Tool